
In this section its listed information about known algorithms, their details and aliases

To make naming simple, the algorithms are categorized by types followed by their successive number

To classify how strong the algorithms are within each other (not real time security grades), the following classifications are defined:

Very Strong Strong Medium Weak Inexistent

And how much the algorithms are recommended for use:

Strongly Recommended Recommended Not Recommended (unless legacy support) Not Recommended

Some types might have symbols behind words and be embraces in parentheses, the have a signification meanings as:

The symbol ~ means that the word after is an encryption/cipher algorithm and the - means that the word after is a compression algorithm

For example, -LZO means that the LZO algorythm is applied to a set of data, or for example ~XTEA(-LZO) means that an LZO algorithm is applied to a set of data and the result has then as the XTEA encryption algorythm applied to it

Algorythm Types